Summer of 2014
During the summer of 2014, approximately 91,000 cubic yards of burn ash debris was excavated and relocated into the Phase 2 area within the landfill, and construction activities were completed in October 2014. The Final Compliance Demonstration Report was submitted to the NCRWQCB on December 31, 2014.
- The NCRWQCB revised the Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) for the Landfill to reflect the methods of closure and required monitoring activities which was approved May 2, 2013. The WDR contained a condition to allow excavated burn ash debris to be disposed within the Landfill Phase 2 area. This provision saved the Authority and ultimately garbage rate payers over $7.5 million in avoided transportation and disposal costs by allowing the burn ash debris to be placed into the landfill instead of being transported to an out of county landfill.
- With the completion of Phase 1 Closure and the Burn ash Debris Clean Up, the Authority undertook Final Closure of the Phase 2 portion of the Landfill in the Summer of 2015.
Since 2002, the HWMA has been attempting to obtain approval of a Final Closure Plan Necessary documents and plans were submitted to the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, Humboldt County Local Enforcement Agency (Humboldt County LEA) and CalRecycle for ‘Closure Certification’. The three regulatory entities reviewed, documents were revised as requested and certification was approved in mid-February 2017.